ode to rest

Oda al descanso - Nasei

A few days ago, a post was circulating on social media that made us think. The post "I was reflecting on the current system and how you feel guilty and punish yourself every time you feel that you are not being 'productive'."

"We must see how hard it is for us to be aware that rest is not a whim! It's not just that it's bad, but quite the opposite."

Burn it into your mind. 

Enjoying the delightful feeling of being free and the "five more minutes" doesn't mean you're a lazy person, and besides being glorious, it increases your physical and mental endurance, reduces diabetes, and regulates stress. So it's not just a pleasure, but we're talking about health.

Rest affects the entire body, including the skin. Because yes, your skin also needs to rest. 



"Just as you go to sleep to recover energy for the next day, the body also takes advantage of these hours to regenerate. And with it, your skin."

If you are observant and know yourself, you probably already know that a routine in schedules, having a light and nutritious dinner, and respecting circadian rhythms benefit your skin. 

"Rhythms... what? Much simpler than it seems, it is about aligning your activity and your rest to the cycles marked by light and darkness."

Your internal 24-hour cycle is determined by the shift between the sun and the moon. As a human species, our body has evolved to adapt to the rotation of the Earth. 

That is, the circadian rhythms "They are responsible for you having an internal biological clock that regulates sleep and feeding times, your hormone production, and temperature."

It is this internal timer that tells you to rest when night falls and reminds you that it is time to get moving in the mornings. 

The same happens with your skin. It's normal for it to crave denser and creamier products like oils at night and lighter textures for going out during the day. And in the same way, you have to listen to your instincts. 

The night is the time to nourish your skin, for while you rest in a horizontal position, your skin is being fed. When everything is quiet, it is the moment to calmly absorb the entire nighttime beauty ritual.

Although there is a trend that advocates not applying any product to let it breathe, experience tells us that it is not the skin that performs this function, but the respiratory system that does so for the entire organism. The skin does not breathe, it regenerates. 



"Here come into play the three layers of tissue: epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. The latter supported by adipose and connective tissue, composed of a succession of cells that multiply during their lifespan creating what we call skin. And this occurs largely while we sleep."

"You just have to see the effects of a restorative sleep. Dark circles disappear and your skin is more radiant and firm." 

So we got to work to take advantage of the rest and its benefits for your skin. We wanted to create something nourishing that could withstand the twists of the head and the friction with the pillow.

This is how our was born absolute jasmine night repair balm. It was Celia again, who is such a fan of vegetable butters, who took care of achieving the perfect texture after a long process in the laboratory and testing it on the skin of different women aged between 30 and 75.




"Without a doubt, the perfect product for those who struggle to find time to take care of themselves in their daily lives."